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Institutional Holders
Total Number of Holders 79
% of Shares Outstanding 53.55%
Total Shares Held 51,767,951
Total Value of Holdings $159,445,289.08
Net Activity 17,084,417
Top 5 Holders Shares Held Shares Changed
REDMILE GROUP, LLC 15,269,217 0
PROSIGHT MANAGEMENT, LP 9,570,000 2,519,700
ORBIMED ADVISORS LLC 4,316,824 4,316,824
BLACKROCK INC. 3,554,742 3,554,742
MORGAN STANLEY 2,965,229 244,834

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Insider Trades
 Last 3 mos.Last 12 mos.
Number of Insider Trades210
Number of Buys22
Number of Sells08
Net Activity800,000738,222
Top 5 TradesShares Traded Date
REDMILE GROUP, LLC400,0007/1/2024
AZELBY ROBERT6,9956/17/2024
HUG PETER1,1936/17/2024
MONGES VIVIANE1,4376/17/2024

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5% Ownership (SC 13D & SC 13G Filings)
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View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13G   OAKTREE CAPITAL GROUP HOLDINGS GP, LLC  05/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13D/A   AUVEN THERAPEUTICS HOLDINGS LP  04/25/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13G/A   REDMILE GROUP, LLC  02/14/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13G/A   PROSIGHT MANAGEMENT, LP  02/13/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13G/A   ASTRAZENECA PLC  02/12/24   File this document to a folder.