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MONEYLION INC. (ML) Ownership Summary
Institutional Holders
Total Number of Holders 131
% of Shares Outstanding 50.70%
Total Shares Held 5,469,481
Total Value of Holdings $225,233,227.58
Net Activity 1,625,606
Top 5 Holders Shares Held Shares Changed
BLACKROCK INC. 575,232 464,314
VANGUARD GROUP INC 368,831 136,240
MORGAN STANLEY 249,279 142,529
MARSHALL WACE, LLP 240,352 46,611

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Insider Trades
 Last 3 mos.Last 12 mos.
Number of Insider Trades1237
Number of Buys22
Number of Sells1035
Net Activity (87,139) (377,329)
Top 5 TradesShares Traded Date
HONG TIMMIE2,3678/16/2024
TOROSSIAN MARK6588/16/2024
CHOUBEY DIWAKAR20,1338/15/2024
CORREIA RICHARD13,1388/15/2024
HONG TIMMIE5,1398/15/2024

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5% Ownership (SC 13D & SC 13G Filings)
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View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13G/A   FINTECH COLLECTIVE MANAGEMENT LLC  02/12/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13G/A   STEPSTONE GROUP LP  02/12/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13D   FROMMER JEFFREY  06/02/23   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13G/A   FINTECH COLLECTIVE MANAGEMENT LLC  02/13/23   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13G/A   STEPSTONE GROUP LP  02/10/23   File this document to a folder.