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STATE STREET CORP (STT) Ownership Summary
Institutional Holders
Total Number of Holders 1,003
% of Shares Outstanding 91.85%
Total Shares Held 274,288,096
Total Value of Holdings $22,653,453,848.64
Net Activity 3,452,169
Top 5 Holders Shares Held Shares Changed
VANGUARD GROUP INC 37,433,481 459,260
BLACKROCK INC. 24,744,023 265,167
STATE STREET CORP 14,169,849 (181,870)
DODGE & COX 12,914,714 (6,131,885)
JPMORGAN CHASE & CO 8,959,384 1,129,164

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Insider Trades
 Last 3 mos.Last 12 mos.
Number of Insider Trades517
Number of Buys00
Number of Sells517
Net Activity (26,721) (88,365)
Top 5 TradesShares Traded Date
PLANSKY JOHN12,2008/23/2024
MILROD DONNA M1028/16/2024
FOGARTY ANN7048/15/2024

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5% Ownership (SC 13D & SC 13G Filings)
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