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Institutional Holders
Total Number of Holders 198
% of Shares Outstanding 89.41%
Total Shares Held 25,086,957
Total Value of Holdings $436,011,312.66
Net Activity 224,588
Top 5 Holders Shares Held Shares Changed
BLACKROCK INC. 4,666,741 (23,627)
VANGUARD GROUP INC 3,009,207 57,304
STATE STREET CORP 1,529,168 (11,004)
MACQUARIE GROUP LTD 952,730 (16,562)

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Insider Trades
 Last 3 mos.Last 12 mos.
Number of Insider Trades55
Number of Buys55
Number of Sells00
Net Activity31,00031,000
Top 5 TradesShares Traded Date
VAN HORN R. LAWRENCE10,0009/9/2024
STACH LEIGH ANN4,0818/19/2024
COTMAN CATHRINE2,0008/13/2024
DUPUY DAVID H.58,6608/8/2024
MEYER TIMOTHY L.30,7768/8/2024

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5% Ownership (SC 13D & SC 13G Filings)
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View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13G/A   VANGUARD GROUP INC  02/13/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13G/A   STATE STREET CORP  01/30/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13G/A   BLACKROCK INC.  01/19/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13G/A   VANGUARD GROUP INC  02/09/23   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SC 13G/A   STATE STREET CORP  02/03/23   File this document to a folder.