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View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original FormatView Filing in XBRL  8-K   ABBVIE INC.  07/03/24 07/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   QUAGGIN SUSAN E  07/02/24 06/30/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   RAPP EDWARD J  07/02/24 06/30/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   ALPERN ROBERT J  07/02/24 06/30/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   GONZALEZ RICHARD A  07/02/24 06/28/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  11-K   ABBVIE INC.  06/27/24 12/31/23   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in Original Format  25-NSE   NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE LLC  06/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  SD   ABBVIE INC.  05/31/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in Original Format  25-NSE   NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE LLC  05/17/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original FormatView Filing in XBRL  8-K/A   ABBVIE INC.  05/08/24 02/14/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   DAVIS JENNIFER L.  05/07/24 05/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   QUAGGIN SUSAN E  05/07/24 05/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   FREYMAN THOMAS C  05/07/24 05/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   ALPERN ROBERT J  05/07/24 05/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   RAPP EDWARD J  05/07/24 05/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   HART BRETT J  05/07/24 05/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   ROBERTS REBECCA B  05/07/24 05/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   AUSTIN ROXANNE S  05/07/24 05/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   MEYER MELODY B  05/07/24 05/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   BURNSIDE WILLIAM H.L.  05/07/24 05/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   TILTON GLENN F  05/07/24 05/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format  4   WADDELL FREDERICK H  05/07/24 05/03/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original FormatView Filing in XBRLView Filing in Redline  10-Q   ABBVIE INC.  05/03/24 03/31/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original FormatView Filing in XBRL  8-K   ABBVIE INC.  04/26/24 04/26/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original FormatView Filing in XBRL  8-K   ABBVIE INC.  04/03/24 04/03/24   File this document to a folder.
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