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UGI CORP /PA/ (UGI) Summary
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View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original FormatView Filing in XBRL  8-K     06/11/24 06/11/24 File this document to a folder.
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View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original FormatView Filing in XBRL  8-K     06/07/24 06/06/24 File this document to a folder.
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View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in Original Format  25-NSE   NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE LLC  06/03/24 File this document to a folder.
 Institutional Holders
Total Number of Holders 516
% of Shares Outstanding 84.32%
Total Shares Held 176,750,504
Total Value of Holdings $3,955,676,279.52
Net Activity 1,063,296
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