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View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format NPORT-P     08/26/24 06/30/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format DEF 14A     08/07/24 09/05/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in Original Format N-PX     08/07/24 06/30/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in Original Format N-23C3A     07/29/24 07/29/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in XBRLView Filing in Original Format 486BPOS     07/26/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format PRE 14A     07/25/24 07/25/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in Original Format 24F-2NT     06/18/24 03/31/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in Original Format N-CEN     06/13/24 03/31/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in ExcelView Filing in Original Format N-CSR     06/10/24 03/31/24   File this document to a folder.
View Filing in HTMLView Filing in RTFView Filing in PDFView Filing in Original Format NPORT-P     05/24/24 03/31/24   File this document to a folder.
(Quotes provided by Thomson Reuters are delayed by 6 minutes or more.)